We consider ourselves very fortunate to have crossed paths with the Cora Lee Institute.
The level of care, compassion, patience and knowledge has been unmatched by any previous experiences. The doctors took a genuine interest in the whole child as well as offered the opportunity to collaborate with school staff in an effort to best meet children’s needs. We are so grateful for the experience to work with the Cora Lee Institute.
Dr. Lightfoot is someone you want to have in you corner as an advocate.
I have known Dr. Ty Lightfoot since 2008 while I was working as a general pediatrician in Georgia. I often referred families to her who were seeking a comprehensive psychological evaluation and treatment for their child. Upon meeting with Dr. Lightfoot, the families would often express feelings of relief that their concerns were being addressed and gratitude that they received answers to their questions.
Over the years, I have witnessed up close her transformation from being an astute mental health provider working within a health system to becoming a highly respected clinician owning her own business. She possesses all of the attributes that caregivers, families, and individuals are looking for: attention to detail, the ability to listen intently with a compassionate ear, as well as a professional attitude towards her client. She has a tireless work ethic and a willingness to go above and beyond for every individual she encounters. For individuals and families she is often the light at the end of a long journey of misdiagnoses or lack of diagnoses.
Dr. Lightfoot is someone you want to have in you corner as an advocate. I am also proud to call her my friend.
You know when you meet someone and you can tell that he or she is a genuinely good person?
You feel better just being around them. That is how you feel at the Cora Lee Institute when you are with the treatment team. Dr. Lightfoot and all of her staff make you feel safe and accepted and you can trust them to help you. I’ve witnessed their dedication to their patients around the clock and I know I would call them to treat my family members or friends.
I support Cora Lee Institute completely with all of my behavioral needs
In my practice of behavioral pediatrics, I often have difficult behavioral cases. When I have a specific behavioral/psychological need, with the most demanding of diagnoses, I always turn to Dr. Lightfoot at Cora Lee Institute. She has helped me through some very interesting problems and cases with great satisfaction to both me and my patients. I support Cora Lee Institute completely with all of my behavioral needs, and particularly the ones it seems no one can help. They are courteous, professional, and psychologically perfect for my patients’ needs.
a comprehensive approach to wellness